Ryan Singer

Posts in: Talks

Podcasts, videos, appearances

La Product Conf, Paris

La Product Conf shared the video from my recent talk in Paris: "Scaling Shape Up Beyond Bootstrapped Companies."

Fintech Devcon, Denver

I gave a talk together with Chris Spiek, CPO at Autobooks. We told the story of how Autobooks realized they could no longer apply Shape Up "by the book" and the challenges they faced. Intense growth and new technical challenges led them to bring me in to define

Shaping Up Client Work

I talked with Bruce van Zyl about his experiences working with clients using Shape Up.

Christopher Alexander: A Primer

Christopher Alexander’s work is hard to get into. He’s written over 15 books, and there isn't one that serves as a general intro or overview for the rest. In this livestream, I gave an informal introduction to what I think are the most important ideas in

Future of Web Apps, London

Here's a talk I gave at Future of Web Apps 2010 in London. I I walk through the steps of creating a web app including modeling, sketching, HTML, Photoshop explorations, and moving from static mockups to live running code. Each step is illustrated with a real example, including
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