Ryan Singer

Reach out

If you think that I can help, but you're not sure exactly how, we can have a call to talk through what's going on and sketch out some possibilities.

I often hear from product and engineering leaders looking to make a change. Sometimes they're having problems with the quality and timeliness of projects. In other cases, it's more about growing and that the current way of working isn't going to scale.

I'm happy to set aside an hour to chat, without pre-qualifications or consultation fees. Usually it goes in one of three directions:

  • After asking some questions, I may offer some perspective or clarification that helps you see your own way forward. In such a case there's no need to shape an engagement.
  • When the topic is about customizing Shape Up for your specific situation, I may give some pointers and suggest joining the next Shaping in Real Life cohort. After going through the course, some leaders set up a private cohort to get their team caught up on the language and mindset.
  • You might have a juicy challenge that calls for stretching and innovating on the methods themselves. In special cases, I'll embed with your team to help design new ways of working and guide them through the change. Projects like these run about a quarter in length, and I don't do more than one per year.

In any case, feel welcome to reach out, even if you don't have a clear question formulated yet.

You can reach me via email at rjs@ryansinger.co or drop me a message on LinkedIn.

© 2025 Ryan Singer